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发布日期:2017-11-28 作者:www.hyzmdzs.com 点击:



A. Washing and loading part 清洗上果部分


  a. Power: 0.75KW, infinite speed regulating reducer. 功率:0.75kw,无极调速减速机

b. Structure: stainless steel water tank, grading and elevating platform, and high pressure water pump. 框架结构:不锈钢水槽,分检提升台,高压水泵。

c. Installed with stainless steel water tank with screen for recycling water. High-pressure water pump is employed to wash the fruits, like surf bath, to make sure the fruit is clean and to be elevated orderly. (water tank size: 4700*2100*750mm) 配有不锈钢水槽,内装有循环用水过滤网,利用高压水泵,采用冲浪浴原理来清洗水果,并保证果品清洁及顺序上升(水槽:4700*2100*750mm                                          d. After washing in the stainless steel water tank, the fruits will be elevated to the straight selection platform, and the plastic roll will move forward and rotate, which will make it easier for the inferior fruits to be selected out.  (fruit elevator: 3700 * 1150 * 1150mm) 果品经水槽清洗后,提升至平面分检台,采用塑料滚筒前进同时并自转,并喷淋水果表面,有利于果品残次品的挑检。 (提升果:3700 * 1150 * 1150mm)

  e. Supplied with foot rest. .配有分检脚踏架



B. Rinsing and waxing part 冲淋打蜡部分


a. Power: 0.75kw, infinite speed regulating reducer. 功率:0.75kw, 无极调速减速机

b. Size: 5300X1150X1800mm 尺寸:5300X1150X1800mm

c. Structure: brush, rinsing outlet, timer, wax spraying outlet. 结构:毛刷,喷头,计时器,喷蜡嘴                                          d. The rotating brushes are used to clean the fruit after washing, and rinsing will be done at the sixth brush to clean out the attached materials. 利用毛刷自转二次清洁果品表面并喷淋冲洗,在毛刷第六支处喷淋,清除附着物

e. During the conveying process, the brushes will clean out the water on the fruit, and they are also used to brighten the fruit. Four cooling fans are installed in the middle of the brushes for drying the fruits。前进过程中利用毛刷沥干果品表面水分,同时利用毛刷上光;在毛刷中部装有4 轴流风机,强制风干。

f. During the second half of conveyance, timer is used to control electromagnetic wax spraying outlet, where edible wax is sprayed. The interval time and wax spraying time can be set freely. After spraying, the rotated brushes will make the wax sprayed homogeneously spread on the fruit. 进入后半部分采用定时器控制电磁喷蜡嘴,喷涂食用腊。此装置间隔时间及喷蜡



C. Heating and drying part 加热烘干部分

   a. Power: 0.75KW, infinite speed regulating reducer. 功率:0.75KW,无极调速减速机

b. Size: 5000*1550*1950mm 尺寸5000*1550*1950mm

c. Heated by natural gas burner and intelligent temperature controller is installed. The temperature control can be set to be automatic and manually edited.利用天然气燃烧机加热,并配有智能型温控仪,温度设定自动控温,可自由设定。

d. The temperature in the drying tunnel is from low to high. And the wind in the tunnel is circularly blown. Centrifugal blower is employed to make the inside air to be convected. 烘道温度先低后高,采用闭式内循环,并配有离心风机,使热空气实现内部对流。

e. Place the waxed fruit in the drying box, and let the surface water evaporated. The drying process could improve the brightness of the fruit. 将涂腊后的果品送入烘干箱内,蒸发掉表面水,并提高果品光亮度




D. Automatic loader for grading machine 选果机的自动上果部分

   a. Power: 1.1KW, frequency converter controls speed regulation. 功率:1.1KW,无极调速减速机

b. Size: 3400*1650*1200mm 尺寸:3400*1650*1200mm

c. Use conveyor belt and rubber-tired to load fruit to the fruit grading machine.


E. Single-lane Electronic fruit grading machine单线电子选果机部分

  a. Power: 3.0KW 功率:3.0KW

b. Size: 16000X1650X1200m尺寸:16000X1650X1200mm

c. Speed: 40000-42000pcs/hour 速度40000-42000/小时

d. Electronic controlling system: Siemens elements text display, CPU, Weighing module, weighing sensor 电子控制系统:西门子文本显示器,CPU,称重模块,称重传感器。

e. Grade: 9 grades9 compartments 等级:9个等级

f. Operating system: Chinese/English Interface 操作系统:中文/英文界面


F. Type of control 控制类型

  a. Washing and waxing part: step less speed adjusting 清洗打蜡部分:无级调速控制

  b. Electronic fruit grading machine: frequency control 电子选果机:变频器控制





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